Learn Mandarin online

8 pax small group class

Learn up to 2x faster

Live zoom class

Free trial class available

Learn Mandarin online with us

At Yi Mandarin, we offer both online and in-person language classes in a hybrid format, combining elements of both options within a single class. Students can attend language classes at our centre or participate via Zoom.

With Zoom running in the background, we can record* the lesson and provide you with the recording for revision.

Similar to our in-person courses, we limit group sizes to 8 students, which allows you to learn a language up to twice as fast—Are you interested in experiencing our classes? Try us out for 8 weeks!

Save time

Save yourself time and energy commuting. With our online Mandarin lessons, you save your energy for actually learning Mandarin.

And of course, you’re very welcome to join us from outside Singapore!

Quality Without Compromise 

Apart from the delivery mode, we approach our online Mandarin classes precisely the same way as in-person classes.

We keep group sizes small (max 8), so you will have the support whenever you need it and be able to progress up to 2x faster than in a larger group setting.


We don’t need to reserve a classroom when the lesson takes place on Zoom. We will pass the savings to you.

That’s why our online Mandarin class is cheaper than the in-person class.


We don’t need to reserve a classroom when the lesson takes place on Zoom. We will pass the savings to you.

That’s why our online Mandarin class is cheaper than the in-person class.

 We also offer free trial classes!

Ask us on WhatsappClick here to find out more

Hear from our students

 We also offer free trial classes!

Ask us on WhatsappClick here to find out more